Edge to Cloud IoT Solutions

Edge to Cloud IoT Solutions

In the last decade, cloud computing and centralised data centres have largely dominated the IT industry. However, mobile and IoT applications have boosted decentralised computing and given rise to edge computing – moving data processing closer to IoT devices.

Edge computing requires the data source, sensors, and mobile devices to be closer to the computing and storage resources. As a result, edge computing reduces latency for time-sensitive applications, enhances IoT performance in low-bandwidth areas, and declutters the network.

When data is analysed locally instead of in a remote data centre or cloud, actions can generally be performed faster. As IoT and mobile endpoints process and store data at the edge, they can respond quickly to essential data.

Edge computing can also:

  • Relieve pressure on the WAN
  • Filter and compress data locally instead of sending raw data to the network.
  • Serve IoT devices where network connections aren’t always stable

However, edge computing also faces two challenges:

  • Fragmentation at the edge, regarding the kinds of computing environments, data protocols, and ways to connect
  • Scaling, from the number of business processes, workflows or transactions, the number of locations involved, integration of 3rd party applications, or the size of the data.

The partnership between IoT.nxt and HPE OEM solutions demonstrate how these problems can be addressed with unique IoT solutions. Read on to learn more about IoT.nxt, how their partnership with HPE works, and what it means for businesses.


IoT.nxt specialises in IoT solutions and offers a variety of edge computing software packages. Raptor is their intelligent field gateway, while their Commander platform provides a unified user interface for visualising and controlling the entire ecosystem of connected devices.

IoT.nxt’s unique technology stack offers a single integration/translation point for industrial protocols. The Raptor gateway enables businesses to modernise legacy systems without ripping and replacing them. Everything from the edge is translated by a sophisticated data abstraction architecture, allowing for a subscription-based big data approach.

Edge Raptor can be used with third-party gateways. It filters, collects, normalises, and abstracts data from edge devices to facilitate and manage business operations. Managing data at the edge allows only the relevant device data to flow through to IoT.nxt’s Commander platform, solving the issue of big data overload. Raptor integrates with multiple devices and enables bi-directional communication between those devices and the rest of the IoT.nxt’s Commander IoT ecosystem.

IoT.nxt allows new data sources (sensors or things), legacy systems, applications, machines, and cloud services to connect and share data. It allows people to connect and communicate with each other from any network, device, or operating system. The IoT.nxt platform moves businesses past “islands of automation” and toward a “seamless digital enterprise”.

How HPE extends IoT.nxt’s market reach 

Aggregating crucial intelligence that could improve the organisation’s productivity, efficiency, and safety can be challenging when managing various systems and equipment. IoT.nxt’s solution allows all systems, processes, machinery, etc, to communicate with each other, regardless of type, brand, or model.

Communicating at the edge and in the cloud, IoT.nxt is taking industrial IoT to any industry. With IoT.nxt’s next-gen platform, real-time data from various sources is collected to provide a single holistic view of the supply chain. Creating interoperability across an organisation’s value chain is an integral part of IoT.nxt solution and key to delivering deep insights.

Through the HPE OEM program, IoT.nxt delivers unique IoT solutions, running its Raptor software on the HPE GL10 IoT Gateway at the edge. Raptor is a single point of integration and translation for disparate systems. The HPE GL10 IoT Gateway provides it with the processing power to perform logic functions and data filtering at the edge for multiple disparate systems, processes, and devices across various markets.

HPE OEM continues to partner with IoT.nxt as the company evolves with market needs. For instance, IoT.nxt is actively working with HPE OEM to build a go-to-market framework that will improve the speed and effectiveness of delivery channels.

HPE OEM & IoT.nxt business benefits 

IoT.nxt and HPE have joined forces to offer an end-to-end solution for their combined clients, addressing quicker intelligent decision-making by delivering greater insights from data collected while reducing disruption to business operations.

In collaboration with HPE OEM Solutions, businesses can expand their capabilities and global reach. HPE’s world-class IT solutions, services, professionals, and supply chain can assist in laying a solid foundation for growth.

HPE OEM Solutions enable progressive businesses of all sizes to harness the potential of the industry’s most transformative technology. HPE tailors its industry-renowned solutions to the individual demands of businesses by leveraging its decades of experience in technology, services and supply chain.


Working with a professional IT hardware and services provider like HPE OEM allows your team to focus on what it does best. It ensures your business solutions are built on safe, reliable, and marketing leading technology. We, as your IT partner, can help you access and deploy HPE OEM and IoT.nxt solutions to meet your evolving business needs.